The Office of Pupil Personnel Services schedules a Committee on Preschool Special Education meeting when the evaluations and the reports are completed, the information has been shared with the parents/guardians, and the district has received the reports. The purpose of the CPSE meeting is to review the findings of the clinicians, speak with the parents/guardians, and to determine if the child is eligible to be classified and, if so, the services to be provided.
As stated in the Commissioner’s Regulations, Part 200, the participants/members of each committee on preschool special education includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- The parents of the preschool child;
- A regular education teacher of the child whenever the child is or may be participating in the regular education environment;
- A special education teacher of the child, or, if appropriate, a special education provider of the child;
- A representative of the school district who is qualified to provided or supervise special education and who is knowledgeable about the general curriculum and the availability of preschool special education programs and services and other resources of the school district and the municipality. The representative of the district serves as the chairperson of the committee.
- A parent member of a child with a disability who lives in the school district and whose child is enrolled in a preschool or elementary level education program, provided that such a parent is not a required member if the parent(s) of the child request that the additional parent member not participate;
- An individual who can interpret the instructional implications of evaluation results, provided that such individual may also be the appointed as the regular education teacher, the special education teacher or special education provider, the school psychologist, the representative of the school district or a person having knowledge or special expertise regarding the student when such member is determined by the school district to have the knowledge and expertise to fulfill this role on the committee;
- Other persons having knowledge or special expertise regarding the child, including related services personnel as appropriate, as the school district or the parents shall designate. The determination of knowledge or special expertise of such person shall be made by the party (parents or school district) who invited the individual to be a member of the committee on preschool special education;
- For a child in transition from early intervention programs and services, the appropriate professional designated by the agency that has been charged with the responsibility for the preschool child and;
- A representative of the municipality of the preschool child’s residence, provided that the attendance of the appointee of the municipality shall not be required for a quorum.
If a person cannot physically be present at a CPSE meeting, arrangements may be made for a telephone conference.
Children are classified as a "Preschooler with a Disability". Classification is necessary in order for services to be provided. Services may be provided at the child’s school, at home, or a combination of both. All services are provided by County CPSE approved agencies and individual providers. The district contacts the various agencies in order to arrange for services.
In the event that the delivery of services is delayed, the student will be given compensatory services. Missed sessions from the date of initiation on the IEP, and the actual start date are arranged either as an extra session per week or during the summer.