Haldane Elementary School

Pre-Kindergarten Program

We are looking forward to opening the first Pre-K program at Haldane. 

There will be one classroom for 18 students, age 4 by December 1, 2025. Students must reside in the Haldane Central School District and selection will be done through a blind lottery. To be eligible for the lottery children must be registered by March 31, 2025. 

In order to register a child as a resident in Haldane schools, the school district must receive your child's completed registration questionnaire in Family ID, along with all required forms. 

If you have any questions about your registration packet you may contact Tanesha Watkins at: 


845-265-9254 ext 122

Haldane Pre-K Program FAQs

The Haldane Central School District is delighted to provide a universal pre-kindergarten program for children residing within the Haldane School District who will be turning 4 years old by December 1st. Online registrations will be open from January 8 to March 31st. It is important to note that pre-kindergarten is not mandated by NYSED, and its continuation each school year depends on the approval of the District's budget in May. For further details about the program, please refer to the FAQ section below. Should you have additional questions, feel free to contact Principal Christine Jamin at cjamin@haldaneschools.org.

Is the Pre-K program free of cost?

Yes. Funding for 18 students is made possible through New York State’s Universal Pre-Kindergarten Expansion Funding program.

Is the Pre-K full-day or half-day?

The program will be 5 hours per day, 5 days a week. The hours of operation will be from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM each day.

Is there a before or after school program for Pre-K students?

There will be no before or after school program available for Pre-Kindergarten students.

What is the calendar for Pre-K?

The program follows the Haldane Central School District’s calendar.

Is the program run by the Haldane Central School District?

Yes. This program will be run by the Haldane Central School District and partially funded by New York State through the Universal Pre-Kindergarten Expansion Funding program.

Who will teach the Pre-K program?

The Haldane Central School district will assign a NYS Certified Pre-K teacher and a full-time aide to run the program.

Who is eligible for the Pre-K program?

Only children residing within the Haldane School District who turn 4 years of age by December 1 will be eligible for the program.

If I complete an application, is my child guaranteed placement in the program?

If there are over 18 students who have submitted a completed online registration by March 31st, a lottery system will be used to randomly select from the registrations on file. Therefore, a completed registration does NOT guarantee a placement in the Pre-K program. If space is still available in the program after the March 31st deadline, any additional qualifying online registrations will be admitted on a first-come/first-served basis until we reach the 18-student cap.

When will I be notified about the status of our application for Pre-K?

Parents will be contacted by the principal's office in mid April regarding the status of their application.

Where will the program be housed?

The program will be held in the Haldane Elementary School building.

What type of curriculum will be taught in the program?

The Pre-K curriculum will be aligned with NYSED's Pre-Kindergarten Learning Standards.

Will transportation be provided?

No. Transportation will not be provided for this program.

Will my child be able to purchase lunch?

The District is currently reviewing lunch purchasing details. 

Does my child need to be toilet trained?

Yes. All children should be toilet trained to attend Pre-K. Additional information will be provided.

Will there be Pre-K through Community Based Programs?

We are in the process of seeking community-based partners to collaborate with the Haldane Central School District and offer additional Pre-K seats within their programs. These seats would be in addition to the 18 spots available at Haldane. If this option becomes available, additional information on the community-based partners will be announced prior to the lottery.