HEART (Haldane Encourages Achievement, Research, and Teamwork)

This after school program was researched, developed, and initiated by the High School Compact Committee. The purpose of the HEART Program is to encourage students to attend an academically-oriented study session where they may be tutored by teachers, mentors, or peers in specific subjects.

Students will also have access to computers, the Internet, other library resources, and a quiet study and work area. These sessions are proven to improve student final exam performance and overall scholastic performance.

The HEART Program is staffed by teachers and mentors who offer specific help with Social Studies, English, Math, and Science, as well as with research and study skills.

The HEART Program is open to students in grades 7-12. The sessions are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:00-5:00 PM in the high school. Any schedule modifications will be announced during school.

High school teachers may refer the students they believe are in need of extra help in a specific subject area, but students do not need a referral to attend. There will be a sign-in and sign-out sheet and teachers will be notified of referred students’ attendance.

Please contact the high school office if you have any questions.